
Some Pictures

These are from the final day of the workshop. The theme had been Leadership in the morning. And Groups in the afternoon. In the last hour or so, the 25 participants were split into five groups. Each group had ten or fifteen minutes to create a 'piece of art' using paper, scissors, pens, glue, ribbon, straws, chop-sticks etc.

Then, the groups were told that the 'Committee for Public Art' had decided that Art had become too frivolous and that a more functional art was needed. So each group was to inherit the art of it's predecessor, and turn it into something more useful for society.
Some chose to make a tree. Others a way to a place to eat food.

Others chose to do posters. This one is about the arms trade...

Earlier, in the morning, we did a 'follow my leader' exercise. A lot of people got a chance to be at the front. But could they keep their team with them? This is Michi's effort.

At another point, on an earlier day, we created a slide-show of images to suggest a point. Here below is a selection of those images.

Note how well these images were made with the minimum of rehearsal or planning.

This, for example, shows a door being opened..

This shows an old woman being encouraged from her depression

And below, on another occasion, we are doing a trust exercise. Seven or so people in a circle, supporting one person in the centre..
Presentation of an idea.



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